48 Flavours - Testimonial
Whilst we always knew that the quality of work was first class, it was not until we moved to Adelaide to expand 48 Flavours into six different locations, that it was confirmed by local architects and designers, that the initial branding completed had stood the test of time and to this day the same branding can be seen in every store. We have also added some very important elements including our menu board design and signature Cone Icon into the original design. Brett was responsible for the naming of this business and many of his original ideas are still being used today.
As a business we have expanded to multiple locations with interstate and international plans ahead. It wouldn’t of been possible without the right foundations which Saunders Design put in place in the beginning of the design process.
I have no hesitation in recommending Saunders Design as a professional company that makes the process easy and gets the job done.
Brian O’Donnell
Founder of 48 Flavours